Saturday, January 30, 2010

No, I Wasn't Ready for my Closeup

A quick update to my last post.  I saw a link to a video online of Chef Daniel Boulud talking to Chef Nate Appleman.  When I watched it, I was surprised to see that it was a video of me and Chef Boulud talking to Nate.  I guess my 15 minutes of fame countdown clock has started.

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I've been taking advantage of NYC Restaurant Week.  Hit up Blue Smoke, Danny Meyer's BBQ place on Monday.  As is always the case there, ate way too much of the wonderful fare.  Taking a cab the few blocks to the PATH train home did cross my mind.

We hit Tao for lunch on Thursday.  Tao is an Asian-fusion restaurant where the food has to compete for attention with a giant statue of Buddha and its hipper than hip clientele.  I'm glad to say that at our lunch the food won.

The alumni association of my alma mater, Stevens Institute of Technology, held a scotch tasting event.   Even though I find myself on campus a lot, every time I go I get that anxious "I should be doing work" feeling.  Happily, that feeling went away by about scotch number three.  Not sure how many it would take to remove the memories of Theoretical Chemistry I and II, but it would be much more than advisable.

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